Home-made hair mask for thin hair – DIY

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Home-made hair mask for thin hair – DIY
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Who among us does not dream of beautiful, healthy looking and thick hair? But sometimes our dreams and expectations are at odds with the reality and condition of our hair. Unfortunately, we often weaken the hair ourselves by drying and straightening it

There is no need to spend dizzying amounts of money on specialised hair treatments or expensive cosmetics if you want to take care of your hair and make it thicker. Here are some tried and tested home remedies for thin hair

Start Small

Hair care and hair thickening do not have to involve high costs for cosmetic products and hairdressing services. Even small steps, which you can take in your daily hair care routine, can help improve the condition of thin and damaged hair. Probably the most hair loss occurs when you brush your hair. To start with, invest in a good brush that will not pull your hair out. You may also want to consider wet brushing immediately after shampooing

If possible, choose hairstyles that prevent loose strands from tangling on a daily basis. Forget shampoos containing SLS, parabens or silicones and switch to those with natural ingredients. Choose lukewarm, not hot, water for washing. And of course, limit the use of hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons as much as possible, and colour your hair if possible

picture: Scandinavian Biolabs/unsplash.com

Home-made hair masks for thin hair

To prepare an effective hair mask for thin hair, you just need to use a few ingredients that you have in your home. Eggs, beer, olive oil, coconut oil, honey, bananas or avocado will work great for this purpose. Cosmetic kerosene will also work great in the fight against hair loss

The power of eggs

The first mask that will work great to support thin hair will be a combination of eggs and olive oil. It will help moisturize your scalp and as a result, increase the volume of your hair as well. Combine two beaten eggs with three tablespoons of olive oil (preferably cold-pressed) and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your scalp and then to the entire length of your hair. Wrap them in a towel and leave for about 30-40 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the mask with water and wash your head

Prepare three eggs. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Then whisk the egg whites into a stiff foam and add the yolk. Mix until the ingredients are combined. Spread the egg yolk mixture evenly over your hair, put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap and then towel it off. After about 30 minutes, rinse the mask off with plenty of lukewarm water

Hair Like Yeast

For the next mask you need a cube of yeast, 3 tablespoons of warm milk and 4 tablespoons of castor oil. Combine all the ingredients and apply the mask to your hair. Leave it on your head for about an hour, then rinse with water and wash your hair as usual

Banana and Yogurt Power

To prepare a mask for thin hair to accelerate hair growth, you will need

  • about 100 ml of natural yogurt,
  • one banana,
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice,
  • an egg,
  • a tablespoon of linseed oil.

Crush the banana with a fork or mix it. Add the rest of the ingredients so that they form a homogeneous mass. Apply the prepared mask to your hair and wrap it in foil and then in a towel. Leave the mask on your hair for about 20 minutes. After this time, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and shampoo

main photo: Ali Pazani/unsplash.com

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