Tag - cosmetic tips

Which massage oil to choose?
Which massage oil to choose?

We all know how pleasant massages can be. What oil to choose to additionally benefit our senses and health? Check it out!

How do I apply self-tanner?
How do I apply self-tanner?

Don’t like spending long hours in the sun to get a tan? See how you can get a beautiful streak-free tan with a home self-tanning treatment.

How do I care for my skin before bedtime?
How do I care for my skin before bedtime?

Evening face care should become your ritual for a radiant complexion. Check how to do it properly.

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Birch sap – properties and uses
Birch sap – properties and uses
Precious properties of birch sap were already known by our grandmothers and they used it in medicine. How does birch sap affect our body and what does it help cure?
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