Decluttering the home! Where to start organizing your stuff?

Decluttering the home! Where to start organizing your stuff?
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Having a tidy home often promotes good concentration. Organizing your own space is very important, especially now. Many people feel that they need more free space in the apartment. Just how to get it?

Take matters into your own hands if you have a problem with too much stuff. Buying a bigger apartment will not solve the problem. You’re likely to have even more stuff in a larger space. We definitely recommend fencing off your apartment first. And it’s not impossible

How do you start reducing the amount of stuff you own?

It’s best to start with one room, and if that vision scares you too, focus on one drawer first. Throw all your stuff out of it, clean it and then think about what you need and what exactly you want to keep in it – then strictly follow this rule. Throw out all the junk right away, leave broken things only if you can fix them and do it right away. On the other hand, ifan item hasn’t been used in the last few years, it’s definitely not going to get used again. Give it away to someone who will be happy with it. This method can be called de-cluttering the place

If you don’t have a problem with order, just hoarding things, the next method will appeal to you. Using the picking method, take a bag and set yourself a goal for the day, such as “I’m going to leave ten towels out because I don’t need any more,” or less radically, “Today I’m going to pick out two towels that I don’t use

We often hoard things that we don’ t need or that don’t even fit in with the decor. This method will also work great then, especially when setting a goal, for example: “in one box I’ll put all the decorations that I don’t like at all, in another box will land all the misplaced gifts”, etc. Of course, don’t throw them in the trash

Check on local “junk mail” type groups to see if anyone in your area needs them. If they are more valuable items, take pictures of them and post them online. You might even make a few bucks on your cleanup. If you go this route, remember one key rule; don’t spend the money you earn on more purchases that won’t bring you happiness and will clutter up your home once again. You can set yourself a goal to make it easier for you to control the urge to buy something new

What to do with the unwanted stuff?

Honestly choose the things you don’t need. Think a few times, will you read that pile of books on your desk again? Remember that if you consider every item important, none of them will be special. In this way, your apartment will become a clutter. As you accumulate things you don’t need, sort them into categories: to give away, to sell, to throw away. The “to give away” group may include all the books you’ve read, borrowed, clothes, movies, dishes, and so on. Give them back to their owners as soon as possible, it will also be a great opportunity to meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time

Photograph the items to be sold and put them up for sale. Remember that if you give a lower price, you will get rid of them faster. On the other hand, you can segregate things to give away into several categories, maybe someone close to you will find one of them useful? Remember to ask them first – nobody wants extra garbage at home. You can also take clothes to many foundations or night shelters for the homeless. You can take books to the library. And bedding and blankets can come in handy at shelters. As you can see, you can bring a lot of joy to others by recycling your home

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