Mindfulness training, or 4 ways to mindfulness

Mindfulness training, or 4 ways to mindfulness
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Mindfulness is another way of consciously directing your attention to the present moment – here and now, without looking ahead or going back to the past. Thanks to the training you will calm down, improve memory, more easily cope with stress and negative emotions. Check out 4 ways to mindfulness.

  1. Breathe consciously – every time you feel distracted, direct your attention to your breath. Observe your inhale and exhale. After a few conscious breaths, you will return to the present moment.
  2. Sit in silence – perform an activity in silence and notice how this increases your mindfulness.
  3. Focus your attention on one thing-if you are brushing your teeth, for example, focus all your attention on that. Notice the shape of the toothbrush, how it fits in your hand, the sound it makes. Your attention will turn an ordinary activity into an event and a training in mindfulness.
  4. Stop – try to shift from action to being. Don’t think about what you have to do, focus on the moment. This way you will be able to absorb more information.

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