Ready-made meals from the supermarket – what to look out for?

Ready-made meals from the supermarket – what to look out for?
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Reaching for ready-made meals from the supermarket is one of the easiest ways to eat. However, it is worth knowing that in many stores there are dishes that are not necessarily good for your health. So it is best to opt for well-prepared ones, which are not only tasty, but, moreover, distinguished by good composition. How to choose them?

Fat content of ready-made supermarket meals

One of the details you should pay attention to is, of course, the fat content of ready meals. It can vary, and the less fat the better. However, it is worth knowing that there are good and unhealthy fats. The first can not be missing in our diet, because they affect the work of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. The latter may increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. The most dangerous for health are trans fats, which not only increase the risk of developing overweight and obesity, but also contribute to the formation of free radicals in the body. According to some experts, it is these fats and their frequent consumption that can increase the risk of developing cancer.

Chemical additives in supermarket foods

Flavor enhancers, artificial colors, as well as preservatives – these are chemical ingredients whose consumption does not have a good effect on health. In addition, their overdose can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and vomiting. So it is better to avoid consuming ready-made meals from the supermarket, in which such additives are available. It is much better to reach for dishes that are created on the basis of ingredients of natural origin. This way you can be sure that they are wholesome.

Amount of calories in a whole serving

Calorie counts for convenience foods in supermarkets are usually listed on the back of the package. Sometimes the calorie information is on the front. However, you should know that it is usually the calorie value per 100 g of the meal. It can be much more, so it is better to check how many calories the whole dish has. This way you can determine whether eating it will lead to exceeding your caloric needs. Why is this so important? Each of us has a specific caloric requirement. It can be calculated based on body weight, height, age, as well as activity and lifestyle. Consuming too many calories can lead to the accumulation of fat tissue, making your body weight increase.

>> See also: Cooking in the slow cooker – healthy and delicious

Best-before dates for supermarket meals

When you go shopping in the supermarket, you should check the expiry date on the products you put in the basket. This rule applies not only to ready meals but to every foodstuff. The longer the expiration date, the more chemical additives are in the food. Natural dishes usually have a shelf life of a few days or a week. This is because there are no preservatives in their composition, so it is better to choose those with a short shelf life.

Preparation time and method

Before you decide to buy ready-made dishes, it is necessary to find out how they should be prepared, as well as how long the heating time is. Some dishes need to be heated in a microwave oven, and not everyone has one. So try to choose only meals that you can easily prepare at home. The best choices are those that can be reheated in the oven.

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