How to make your own soap?

Slow life
How to make your own soap?
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Soap is one of the essential items in our life. We use it to wash our hands and our whole body. It helps in cleaning and sometimes in washing. Stores offer us many types and fragrances. We can buy bar soap, as well as liquid or foam soap

Unfortunately, more and more people have problems with allergies to some ingredients of cosmetics available in stores and drugstores. This is one of the reasons for the ever growing popularity of natural and home-made DIY cosmetics

Ecological and economical

Making your own soap is a great way to live in the spirit of zero waste. What is more, for ingredients needed to create one kilogram of soap you will pay only about 20 zlotys. However, the biggest advantage of this solution is that you are one hundred percent sure what goes into the product you are using. You eliminate artificial dyes, preservatives and other unnecessary substances that may cause allergy. You yourself choose the ingredients, additives, fragrance notes, and properties that the finished product will have. Making soap at home is also great fun, to which you can invite the whole family. Homemade soap is also a great idea for a gift that you can give your loved ones

Photo: Monstera/

How to make your own soap?

There are several ways to make homemade soap. The two basic methods are the hot and cold methods. When you opt for the former, the external heat you provide will speed up the saponification process. This is a faster option because we can use the product earlier, after just two or three days. The cold method relies on internal heat, which is naturally generated during saponification. Using this method, we have to wait from four to six weeks for the finished, hardened soap

To make your own soap, you’ll need an acid base in the form of fat and an alkaline base in the form of lye (usually sodium hydroxide, which you can buy at chemical wholesalers), as well as a few useful tools such as a hand blender, an accurate kitchen scale, or a thermometer. Also remember to wear proper clothing, rubber gloves, and safety glasses

Recipe for natural coconut soap

To prepare olive coconut soap you will need

  • 280 g olive oil,
  • 200 g coconut oil,
  • 250 g distilled water,
  • 100 g of sodium hydroxide,
  • 200 g shea butter,
  • coconut shavings,
  • coconut essential oil.


First put on gloves and safety goggles. Measure all ingredients on a scale. Then slowly add the sodium hydroxide to the glass container (never in reverse order) and mix with a wooden or silicone spoon. Monitor the temperature of the liquid, it should be about 45℃ for further steps

In a water bath, melt the shea butter, coconut oil and olive oil. Their temperature should also be around 45℃

Now combine the ingredients. Gently, in a thin stream, pour the oils into the lye and stir until they are completely combined. Then blend the resulting liquid with a blender until it thickens, about 10 minutes. It should have the consistency and color of cream pudding. Add a few drops of essential oil and coconut shavings

Pour the soap mixture into a mold or a larger form. You can also sprinkle it with shavings. Cover with paper and set aside for 24 hours. After this time, remove from the mold, divide into pieces, place on a wooden tray and leave for 4-6 weeks.

Main photo: Aurélia Dubois/

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