Tag - wellness

What are the benefits of white tea? Properties
What are the benefits of white tea? Properties

Have you heard about the positive effects on body function from drinking white tea, but don’t know what specific properties it has? Check it out!

Pollen – how does it work and how to use it?
Pollen – how does it work and how to use it?

More and more often we hear recommendations of natural remedies to support the work of our body. One of them is pollen obtained by bees. Find out more about its properties!

Meditation for beginners – how to start?
Meditation for beginners – how to start?

Wondering if meditation is for you? Find out if it is and how to get started!

What can you give up in the kitchen?
What can you give up in the kitchen?

Want to start saving money while eating healthy? Then be sure to check out our guide.