What flowers to plant in concrete pots?

In the garden
What flowers to plant in concrete pots?
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Concrete pots have become very popular among flower lovers. Learn about the advantages of this type of pots and what plants will look good in them.

The versatile use of concrete planters

The concrete planters are distinguished by their simple form, which can be used in any arrangement. They will suit both minimalist style and spaces arranged in traditional style. They look very impressive, and at the same time are durable, easy to maintain, and functional. In modern gardens, colorful models in various shapes and sizes will work well. The most popular pots are those in the shape of a square or rectangle, which can accommodate seedlings with flowers, shrubs or small trees. Due to the aesthetic form they can also be used as a window sill box.

Concrete flower pots – resistant to weather conditions

Concrete flower pots are made of architectural concrete mixed with fiberglass. Thanks to the durable material used in production they are resistant to weather conditions and can be placed on the terrace, patio, garden or room. Many people choose models in muted colors for corporate spaces. It is worth surrounding yourself with plants in the office, because in addition to their aesthetic appearance, they increase humidity and act as a natural filter purifying the air.

An important advantage of concrete pots is that they are fully frost resistant and thanks to impregnation they do not absorb moisture from the ground. On the market there are also special models of flowerpots with a drainage hole in the bottom, which help in the free flow of water when the pot is to be placed outside. Investing in better quality pots that will not be damaged by constant exposure to changing weather conditions will free you from having to replace them every season. You can find a wide selection of concrete pots here: h ttps://donice-zadora.pl/donice-betonowe-c-38.html

Recommended plants for concrete planters

Plants whose root system doesn’t expand too much will do best in concrete pots. It’s worth choosing species that look nice but don’t require too much work and frequent replanting. It’s good to choose plants that won’t overgrow the pots we buy. Generally speaking, in concrete pots you can plant small trees of an ornamental nature, shrubs and perennials. Among the perennials, we especially recommend: lavender, boysenberries, and hostas. If you are interested in species with ornamental foliage, check out hostas, bergenias and sedums. Many people choose long-lasting plants for concrete pots, such as coneflowers, sedums, verbenas, carnations, lilies, and bluebells, among others. Seasonal plants are also a good choice – fuchsias and geraniums, for example. As for trees, miniature fruit trees such as plums, apricots or miniature pears work well. Many people also plant edible plants such as strawberries and strawberries on the patio. You can also think about growing herbs (e.g. rosemary, mint, oregano) on the terrace which you can take indoors during the winter.

The following species are also recommended for concrete pots:

  • boxwood,
  • barberry,
  • dwarf mountain ash,
  • thuyas,
  • chinese juniper,
  • cotoneaster,
  • fortune’s bumblebee,
  • ornamental grasses,
  • phlox,
  • salvia,
  • catnip,
  • daffodils,
  • bergenias.

Main photo: freddie marriage/unsplash.com

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