How to grow a mango from a seed?

How to grow a mango from a seed?
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The mango is an exotic fruit. Almost half of the world’s crop is grown in India, but we can grow it at home! Find out how!

Mango is a fruit obtained from the mangrove tree and it has been cultivated for several thousand years. Trees of this type live several hundred years, growing to a height of up to 40 meters! In addition to being eaten raw, mangoes are readily used to make jams, juices or preserves for cakes.

What are the characteristics of the mango fruit and when to start cultivating it?

The best solution is to grow mangoes in spring. The nights are getting shorter, which results in a longer time with higher temperatures during the day. These conditions promote faster growth of the plant and provide adequate sunlight

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The fruits of this tree are primarily quite flat and long. In addition, the tough skin must be removed before eating to get to the fleshy interior. The skin can take different colors – from green, pink and red to purple and yellow. And the best time to harvest is when the skin gets lighter.

How to grow a mango from a seed?

  1. The mango is a fruit readily available in grocery stores and vegetable stores. To plant a seed, first select a ripe fruit.
  2. Cut the fruit in half like an avocado, so as not to damage the seed. Use a sharpened knife to remove the inside. Go ahead and use the mango in a dish or eat it raw.
  3. Cut the seed along the membrane and carefully remove the seed.
  4. When you manage to remove the seed from the membrane, try to find the greenish part, which is the undeveloped root.
  5. Strip the seed of its brown protective layer. Otherwise, your future mango can quickly go moldy.
  6. For the next step you need a special horticultural pumice with which you will prepare the drainage. Combine the soil with the planting medium. This action will ensure a freer flow of roots to each layer. Mangoes have delicate roots for which a slightly moist substrate is best.
  7. Place the mango with the green part toward the soil, gently tamping the area around the seed.
  8. Treat the soil in the pot with enough boiled water to keep the soil moist, not wet.
  9. Secure the pot with a plastic bag. Make sure that air can get in by poking a few holes with a toothpick. Move the pot to a warm place and wait up to 14 days for the plant to emerge.
  10. Mangoes grow very slowly, so you have to be patient. When the tree reaches more than 15 cm, you can dispense with the plastic wrap. The soil in which the plant is placed should be moist, not overflowing. It is very important that the water is boiled and has a temperature of about 22 degrees. Using tap water can contribute to a change in the pH of the soil and poorer seed growth.

Do not use fertilizer until 8 weeks after planting. High humidity and natural fertilizer promote rapid growth. Use only organic fertilizer and do not overdo it. Make sure there is water on the saucer and add it regularly. Make sure you don’t treat the leaves with water, or they will wrinkle and rot.

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